Friday, 15 June 2007

My First Facial

AT the grand old age of 27, I decided to go for my first facial...hmm...quite an event.

It all started when I came back from Laos and noticed that my skin is starting to look dead...well i am 27 and my skin is not repairing and regenerating itself fast enough anymore so I decided to give it additional help. I booked an appointment with my neighbourhood facial salon. (just in case, you decide to shriek in horror, it is a pretty decent place.)

I have delayed going for a facial till now because of all the horror stories I have heard, pain, pimple outbreak facial, unending demands by the beauticians to sign up for packages, etc...

It all started pretty well with the beautician massaging some cooling lotion onto my face followed by a scrub. I was falling into dreamland when the beautician said in Mandarin" I am going to start squeezing now, will be a bit painful..." High alert immediately! squeeze what...painful?? Being a facial virgin, I had no idea what she was talking about...she had to explain step-by-step what she was doing to do before I allowed her to touch my face again. It was painful! i was tempted to box her face at some point...

well, after this torturous process, the rest of the facial was mercifully relaxing with a face and shoulder massage and some collegen and ultrasound thingy....

My face did feel great after the facial but I guess i am not going to turn into Snow White after 1 Facial....

Thursday, 7 June 2007

My busy weeks of relaxation

I thought i will take the opportunity to do the following things during my two weeks of leisurely unemployment...
1) clean out my wardrobe
2) pay my taxes
3) take the carpets out for dry cleaning
4) kick start my exercise regime by waking up at 7am everyday to exercise
5) decorate my bedroom wall

Well it turns out that the two weeks has been choc a bloc full of activites and I did not complete any of the above tasks.

Monday- last day at job. Had long lunch with colleagues.
Tuesday- Spent time with JM. Had lunch with mother-in-law. Second interview for job.
Thursday- Major marketing day for all the dinners coming up!
Friday- Hall friends coming over. Cooked dinner for them
Saturday- Extended family coming over. Cooked dinner for them. Big menu to cook because kids wanna have pasta while the older folks wants rice and curry.
Sunday- Rest day
Monday- Meet my new boss for appointment letter signing
Tuesday- Yellowstone girls coming over. Cooked dinner for them.
Wednesday- Pack for Laos trip.
Thursday- Get tickets for Laos trip. Meet witches in the evening for dinner.
Friday- Collect dress for Raine's wedding. Meet Limin and Ruyi for dinner.
Saturday to Friday- Laos Trip
Saturday- Raine's wedding day
Sunday to Wednesday- Penang trip for grandma's birthday
Thursday- first day of new job!

Whew..why am I doing this to myself? Haha but it is nice to see all my friends and not having to worry about staying out too late, having to wake early to go to work. It is nice to take time to cook for them and hopefully they enjoy what I cooked.

busy busy...

Monday, 4 June 2007

Taking things slowly

I have been unemployed for the past 1 week and guess what? I am enjoying it! Busy cookig up a storm for my friends and family. It is great to be able to take time to do this for everybody I love. Hope that no one got food poisoning. So far the reviews have been encouraging. Haha...

It is also good to spend some quality time with JM. We have been busy working and working. He had some off days last week so we got to spend days together, walking around, cooking and enjoying each other. Wonderful! And we are going to Laos and Penang next week, really looking forward to that. I love travelling FOR LEISURE. It is precious time off for us. I will be putting my nose back to the grinding stone when we are back. Determined to enjoy my precious freedom to the maximum, We will only reach Singapore on the day when I start work! Reach Woodland checkpoint at 7am and eport to my brandnew job at 9am...hopefully the bus doesn't break down.

On 21 June, I will be starting my new job as a conference producer. It is big challenge for me because it is a totally different job scope from what I have been doing so far. I I have to produce conferences from scatch. Given possible topics, I have to research, look for good speakers, write sales copies. Basically it is a research and sales job as opposed to coordination and logistics which i have always been doing. Hopefully, it turns to be good. So far so good, the people who interviewed me and the people whom I met in the office seem quite nice. Of couse they are kind enough to let to start work only on 21st June. More time to prepare myself mentally.