Tuesday 10 April 2007


Sometimes I wonder whether if my brains go to sleep when I start to shop. Recently, I bought a pair of boots, knee-high boots to be more specific. They cost $70, not a lot for boots but I live in Singapore, sunny tropical Singapore.. Why on earth would I need knee-high boots? The most absurb thing is that they are size 36, one size too small for me. All because I think that they look gorgeous when I put them on and the clever shopkeeper insisted that " ya, don't worry, this type of boots look better when tight. tighter better!" Ok, so I bought them. They look wonderful sitting in the corner of my living room, waiting for snow to come to Singapore and my feet to shrink. Why do I insist on wearing 3-inch heels to work? Why do I insist on contorting my feet into un-natural shapes? If I am my feet, I would hate me. Am I more beautiful when I am in heels? Do I look better with a $200 hairstyle in comparison to a $20 one? Do people care? Can they tell the difference? I feel bad spending so much money on material things. All these stuff are "wants". I am not an indiscrimate spender but all these little things add up... These $20, $30 could have been given to charity, put into investment accounts, left to grow in a fixed deposit account, etc... I have to admit that spending money makes me feel happy or wearing my purchase makes me feel good! The additional sense of well-being helps a lot when you are meeting a client, when your boss is giving you hell or when the world looks grey and sad. I need the dash of colour to brighten up my day or the additional height to boost my confidence level. Hell, why do I work so hard if not for life's little pleasures, so shopping here i come!!


franney said...

HALLO its me!!!!!

jasmin_ong said...

hey hey..what is your blog address?? i cannot access your blog!